Two Truths One Lie

Two Truths One Lie

Team Building Activity: Two Truths One Lie
Author: Ramsey from FRC 8027

Objectives: The objective of this game is to get to know personal information about the other call members by saying three statements one of which is true. The first person to guess correctly gets a point.The first person to get 3 points wins.


  • Note cards or a shared document online with truths and lies for each student listed on them.


  • Each member of the call has around 3-5 groups of truths and lies assigned to them before the game starts by the coach.

Instructions to Team:

Starting from oldest to youngest, the members on the call read the three statements for their assigned person. The other members of the call then have to guess which statement is false. Whoever guesses correctly first gets a point. The first to 3 points wins.


The members of the call can split into teams, depending on the number of players you can have anywhere from 2 to 4 teams. Each team selects one member from their team to read their statements and it’s up to the other teams to guess which statement is wrong. If a member of your team guesses correct you get a point. The first team to score 5 points wins.